Heart Head-Ways is based on women using their heart to make head-ways to empower women.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Stop Giving Life to Parasitic Leeches

I was guilty of giving my life away to other people, I noticed I was doing this in my relationship. Sisterhood of Women on my journey towards empowerment, I had a euphoric moment one afternoon driving home. It hit me like a ton of bricks, I was beyond exhausted physically, and mentally. I enjoyed my job so what could it be? I took stock of   what was going on in my life at the time (OMG), I realized I was dating a parasitic leech and it was time for him to go (that day)! Sisterhood of Women sometimes we get so bogged down with our day to day routines trying to satisfy everyone within our reach.  Take stock of what's around you, is it giving life that leads you toward empowerment? If not maybe you discovered your parasitic leech.

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