Heart Head-Ways is based on women using their heart to make head-ways to empower women.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Is it time to evaluate?

I recently asked myself this question, is it time to evaluate the people in my life? I had to be  honest with myself and (drum roll) the answer was YES. Keep in mind this is not always  a bad thing, for me it was very empowering, the positives and negatives. I  started with what needed  promoting, this was more of an eye opener. I've been letting church fall by the waste side, I could fellowship more.I noticed  I would go 2-3 months without speaking to my best friend only texting. That changed immediately. Secondly I  needed to demote the emotional drama in my life caused by other people, it's so exhausting.  Lastly, terminate the need for being a shoulder for everyone who has crossed my life's path.- Heart Head Way

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